Everyone’s Birthday is there most favorite day in the life. But according to me, It’s not. Yes, it is, but I don’t know why. This is the day that I get depressed without any matter. This is the day that I get sad without any matter.
Wait a min. No, there is a matter. Because today is my birthday. The day that I born. You guys may think, “Why you are soo sad on this day?”.
Everyone wishes me, and I will replay to them. But no one knows that smile is a mask. My mother faced many difficulties during her pregnancy time. My mother prayed a loot to get me alive. Yes, one more thing. This is the day that I was born and the day that I was dead and this is the day that I was reborn.
After the delivery, doctors told my parents and the child is dead. He is breathing only because he is on a ventilator. I don’t know for what I want my mother prayed a loot for me to get back to normal life. Unfortunately, I recovered.
OK! All of those things are past, Why you are sad now? Even in your 23rd Birthday. The only answer is “I DONT KNOW“.